Bloom Booster ( Bud) 1 ltr.

Tilboðsverð4.880 kr


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Bloom booster™  blómgunarhvati - General Organics

Bloom booster er kröftugur hvati sem setur sprengikraft i blómgunina og eykur ávaxtaframleiðslu.
BioBud eykur efnaskipti og upptöku jarðefna með því að nýta lifhvata og lifræn flutningsörvandi efni.

Bloom booster er náttúrulegt og leyfir plöntum að sýna það besta sem býr i erfðafræðilegum möguleikum þeirra.

Fyrir allar plöntur á blómgunarstigi. Notist með öllum næringarefnum, fyrir vatnsrækt og mold.

Notkun:  3 - 5 ml/L i vatnsrækt og mold - 3 ml/L til úðunar á blöðin.

Geymist við hita yfir 5°  Hristist fyrir notkun

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Bloom booster

Bloom booster is a powerful bloom stimulator that generates explosive flowering and massive fruit production. Bloom booster increases metabolic activity and mineral uptake by utilizing bio-stimulants and organic transport enhancers. This induces abundant, dense floral clusters during the crucial flowering and fruiting phases. The results are spectacular flowering and more flavorful fruits. Bloom booster works naturally, and allows plants to express the best of their genetic potential.

For all plants, during the flowering phase of plant growth.
Use with all nutrients, in hydroponics, in any substrate, and in your garden.
Applications: 3 to 5 ml/L in hydro and soil - 3 ml/L in foliar spray. (see Bio Bloom)