Root Booster 0,5 ltr. (Root Plus)

Tilboðsverð3.250 kr



Í vatn,mold,kókos og garðinn. Fyrir fræ og afleggjara ,byggir upp sterkar þéttar rætur.
BioRoot Plus er náttúrulegt bætiefni sem hjálpar plöntum að skapa heilbrigt og sterk rótarkerfi. BioRoot Plus inniheldur vitamin, ensim, lifræna sýru og moldarsýru sem örvar rótina.

Gott er að láta fræ liggja i BioRoot Plus til ad auka spírunarhlutfall og styrkja um leið fræplöntuna.Fyrir allar plöntur  á rótar- og vaxtarstigi.

Notist med öllum næringarefnum, fyrir vatnsrækt og mold.

Notkun:  3 - 5 ml/L i vatnsrækt og mold - 3 ml/L til úðunar á blöðin.

Geymist við hita yfir 5°  Hristis fyrir notkun

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Root booster

Root booster is a natural root growth supplement that helps plants establish healthy and vibrant root systems. It contains vitamins, enzymes, organic and humic acids that stimulate root mass.
Root booster is outstanding for seedlings and cuttings, helping young plants develop strong and massive root systems. For mature plants Root booster will maintain health by improved nutrient uptake.
Also use Root booster to soak your seeds in order to increase the germination percentage while improving the health of the young seedling.

For all plants, during the rooting and vegetative stages.
Use with all nutrients, in hydroponics, in any substrate, and in your garden.
Applications: 3 to 5 ml/L in hydro and soil - 3 ml/L in foliar spray (see Bio Roots)